Queen's Park Academy


School Uniform

The school uniform is as follows:

Items that need to be QPA branded are the QPA Jumper, QPA Tie and QPA PE T-Shirt. All other items can be purchased from any retailer, as long as they adhere to the dress code requirements below. 


Black skirt of appropriate length/knee length or uniform trousers (not fashion wear), white button-through blouse (to include a top button), QPA navy jumper with the school logo.  Black tights or white socks.  An Academy tie.


Black trousers, white button-through shirt (to include a top button), QPA navy jumper with school logo.  Black socks.  An Academy tie.


Plain black sensible school shoes (not fashion wear/boots or heels), shoes must be polishable – no canvas/fabric or trainers.

PE Kit:

(same for boys and girls)

  • plain navy shorts
  • “T” shirt in their House colour (available from Star Sportswear only – please see below)
  • trainers
  • Navy tracksuit (plain – no logo) for outside games during colder weather or optional QPA branded PE sweatshirt
  • No leggings or cycling shorts permitted 

Please note:  Indoor gymnastics will be conducted in bare feet therefore plimsolls are not needed.

All garments and personal property should be very clearly marked with your child’s name please.

Where to purchase uniform

Our Academy jumpers, ties, book bags and PE bags are available for purchase directly from Stevensons in Southbourne or Star Sportswear behind Castlepoint.  Trousers/skirts, shirts, shorts and tracksuits for PE can be purchased from any retailer.


148 – 150 Seabourne Road, Bournemouth BH5 2JA. 

Their telephone number is 01202 425192

www.stevensons.co.uk.Star Sportswear:

Unit 5, Yeomans Ind Park, Yeomans Way, Bournemouth BH8 0BJ

Their telephone number is 01202 522519


For information on purchasing second hand uniform please contact the Academy office 01202 526079.


All hair at or below shoulder length (both boys’ and girls’) must be tied back at all times in school, including during PE and games lessons.  School hair ties should be in appropriate colours and styles suitable to blend with school uniform (blue/black/hair colour bands).  Hair should be off the face, clipped back and not obscuring sight.  No bows, large clips, alice bands, fabric hair bands, scrunchies etc to be worn.

Hair should be no shorter than a Grade 2 cut and pupils should not wear extreme hair fashions which are designed to attract attention.  This includes dyed or streaked hair and styles such as spikes, mohicans and images or lines cut into the hair.

Headscarves should be plain navy, black or white and securely fastened for PE.


Children are permitted to wear one pair of pair of plain stud earrings worn in the ear lobes and not the top of the ear.  Watches (which have an educational value in helping children to learn how to tell the time and take responsibility for their own time keeping) may be worn although smart watches and fitbit type watches are not permitted.  The wearing of other jewellery in school is not permitted. Items can easily get lost or damaged, or may be the cause of injury. The school cannot accept responsibility for the loss of such articles.

Jewellery in PE lessons

During any physical education in school, children must not wear any jewellery in keeping with Health and Safety procedures.

Children must therefore not wear stud earrings to school on PE days. The use of tape over earrings is not permitted. Children that have earrings in will not be permitted to participate in the PE lesson.

Please try and arrange for your child to have his or her ears pierced at the very beginning of the summer holiday so that by September no earrings should need to be worn for PE and can be removed. PE, games and swimming are all a compulsory part of the National Curriculum and children are expected to take part in all sessions.


The wearing of make-up and nail varnish is considered inappropriate for a learning culture and is not permitted.  Children will be asked to remove this.