Queen's Park Academy

  • Behaviour and Rewards

    At Queen’s Park Academy we believe that, in order to facilitate teaching and learning, acceptable behaviour must be demonstrated in all aspects of school life. Queen’s Park Academy has established a baseline of expectations it requires pupils to meet during their day-to-day learning. The underlying message within this baseline expectation is that all pupils are, ‘prepared to learn’ and have ‘high expectations.’

    Pupils will be provided with support and encouragement to help them adhere to the expected behavioural standards. These are important as they serve to create a safe, respectful learning environment in which all pupils can learn and thrive.

    To better understand their own emotional responses to situations and rights and responsibilities, the Academy visits topics during PHSE, other curricular lessons and assemblies. Where possible the Academy takes opportunities to use outside agencies to support the teaching of our culture and ethos, - through showing how the academy’s culture and ethos supports wider societal expectations such as the Schools and Community Team. It is of great importance however, that children understand that all children are different and may be responded to slightly differently. It is key to teach our children that they are all treated fairly but not necessarily in the same way. It is also important when dealing with situations that the behaviour is targeted and not the child as it is vital to understand that all behaviour is communication, and we continually seek to identify the cause rather than just dealing with the symptoms.

    Houses at QPA

    Every child at QPA belongs to one of our houses - Stewart, Hanover, Windsor and Tudor. All children earn gold stars, which they collect on individual star charts in their classrooms. Stars are awarded to pupils for many different reasons; high quality work, effort in lessons, presentation, manners, kindness, perseverance etc. 

    Each time children collect 100 stars they are rewarded with a certificate and badge, that can be sewn onto the left arm of their QPA jumper. These are read out in whole school celebration assembly.

    All stars are counted up each week by Year 6 Prefects and the house with the highest total of the week is awarded the QPA House Cup in celebration assembly. The totals for the year to date are announced in assembly too and displayed on the wall display in the hall.

    Children are given additional opportunities to earn House Points for their house from inter-house sports competitions, sports day and additional optional competitions that are sent out at least termly. 

    Character Awards 

    Developing Children's character is a key aim of the curriculum at QPA. The main aim of our curriculum is to ensure the children leave us in Year 6 with the knowledge and skills required to access the next stage of their life - secondary education. This is not just academic, but socially and emotionally. We are very proud of our school council, who led the development of our Character Awards and worked with the the wider school community to select 12 Character Traits they feel are important to develop. Children are taught how to develop these different traits and reward children with 'blue dots' when they demonstrate these Character Traits in school. These lead to children being awarded the QPA Character Awards - there are 4 badges to collect and these are given to children in whole school assembly once they have earnt them - sewn on badges for each stage can be sewn onto the right arm of their QPA jumpers. 

    The 12 QPA Character Traits are: 



























